Wade Bradley

Wade Bradley has extensive experience in turn-arounds, sales, brand building, manufacturing, product launches, and marketing. He has been highly successful in developing and directing major corporate initiatives that drive profitable sales, improve operating efficiency, and enhance margins. A trusted leader, Wade is skilled in building relationships with internal and external stakeholders and promoting a culture that empowers teams to achieve peak performance.

Wade holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Illinois (CPA, not currently licensed.)

I've been in your shoes. Over the past 30 years, I've held the roles of CEO, President, and Board Member at multi-million-dollar public companies (NYSE and OTCQB) and an Executive Director of a non-profit organization. My experience has spanned the consumer, industrial, automotive, and food & beverage industries.

Like you, I have lived through the day-to-day complexities and challenges of being the person at the top. I've experienced the intense highs and lows of having the ultimate responsibility for an organization. I know that you personally sacrifice time, money, and in some cases relationships, to drive your organizations to success.

At the end of the day, all the major decisions and risks and failures come to rest on your shoulders. How many times have you wished you could, in confidence, talk to a peer and get some good advice? How many times have you spent sleepless nights wondering what other CEOs have done to resolve the same issue? If there might be anyone else who had been faced with this same decision?

I came to Vistage because of the unique problem-solving experience this company offers to corporate leaders. As a Vistage Chair, I ensure that every bit of that experience and wisdom is applied in each and every meeting.

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